
Learn The Facts About Hair Loss And Hair Loss Remedies

The severity and nature of baldness can vary greatly; it ranges from male and female pattern alopecia, alopecia areata, which involves the loss of some of the hair from the head, and alopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all head hair, to the most extreme form of baldness, alopecia universalis, which involves the loss of all hair from the head and the body. The trigger for male pattern baldness, also called androgenic alopecia, is DHT, a powerful sex hormone that can adversely affect the hair and the prostate gland.

It's possible that correcting a hormone imbalance may prevent further hair loss. Poor digestion, parasites and nutrient deficiencies such as iron or biotin deficiency shouldn't be overlooked as possible causes too. And alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder also known as "spot baldness" that can result in hair loss ranging from just one area to every hair on the entire body.

Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated properly and quickly. Recognizing and treating an infection may help stop the loss. If a medicine is causing your loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine or you may decide you really don't need or want the medicine.

Hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, like lupus erythmatosis or type two diabetes. If the thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, hair may fall out and treating thyroid disease will help remedy this. Hypothyroidism can cause it too, especially the thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows.

There are hundreds of hair loss products on the market used as remedies and treatments. The surgical methods used for hair loss include hair transplantation; hair-producing follicles are taken from the back and sides of the head and injected into bald or thinning areas. Minoxidil is a drug that has to be used daily to prevent loss but may create heart problems; the hair it grows is very fine, only on the top of the head and may fall out again soon after the drug is stopped.

Minoxidil is a very expensive drug, costing about one hundred dollars per month for daily uninterrupted treatment. The topical application of Ketoconazole, which is both an anti-fungal and a potent 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, is often used as a supplement to other approaches. Try to think about natural treatment if possible; taking hair loss drugs require many months or years of exposure to harmful chemicals.

Stress reduction can be helpful in slowing your hair loss. Surgery is another method of reversing loss and baldness, although it could be considered an extreme measure. There are both natural and chemical-based products available.

Raw apple cider vinegar used as a hair rinse may stimulate hair growth. For the garlic for hair loss remedy - an hour before bedtime, slice open a clove of garlic and rub it on the area of loss, wait for an hour then massage the scalp with olive oil, put on a cap, go to bed, and shampoo your hair in the morning. Repeat this for a few weeks, and hopefully hair will stop falling out and regrowth will be appearing. Polygonum Multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure for hair loss; whether the plant itself is useful, the general safety and quality control of herbs imported from China is questionable these days.

The raw onion remedy - take half a raw onion and massage the scalp with it; cover the head overnight, shampoo and rinse in the morning. The olive oil and rosemary remedy - use equal amounts of olive oil and oil of rosemary; combine them in a bottle, shake vigorously, massage into the scalp, put on a cap and shampoo in the morning. Also you can try lying on a slant board with head down for 15 minutes a day, but clear it with your doctor first.

The Asian remedy - rub sesame oil on your scalp every night, cover with a cap or old towel; in the morning wash with an herbal shampoo, rinse with a solution of one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one quart of water. Another remedy is to massage the scalp nightly with an oil made of one part rosemary oil and two parts almond oil. Vodka and cayenne is another remedy - mix one jigger of vodka with a 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (test on skin first for sensitivity) and rub it on the scalp; blood rushes to the hair follicles stimulated by the vodka and cayenne pepper - but be careful if you try it.

One patient reported that he used coconut oil on his hair and scalp for a year and during that time his hair became thicker and he had more of it on the top of his head where he had been receding a bit; it's good as a hair gel too. Good circulation to the scalp is important. Make sure to test all these home remedies on a small area first and check with your doctor or skin doctor before trying any natural home remedy if it includes any irritating ingredients.

Consider picking one of the least harmless, topical, natural home treatment remedies (the kind you whip up at home), and try it on your scalp for at least 30 days and see what happens. With extensive research, reading ratings and reviews and reading testimonials from real people you may be able to find the right hair loss product, treatment or remedy that'll work for you. And concentrate on boosting your immune system to give your hair the best chance to grow.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

For more information on hair loss remedies and hair loss products go to www.HairLossRemedy.us a nurse's website specializing in hair loss treatments, causes and resources for men, women and children including information on hair transplants and hair loss natural treatments

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Hair Loss Treatments: Which One is the Right One?

As the cause of hair loss tend to vary with every individual, so is the Hair Loss treatment used to combat hair loss. Choosing the right treatment to your condition is very essential in ending alopecia as soon as possible.

Now what are the things you should look at in choosing the right hair loss treatment for your condition? First of all, you should evaluate at what kind of hair loss you have. People lose hair in several different ways, the most common of which are: Receding Hair Line (Thinning Hair) centralised loss on the top back (vertex) or thinning hair without a receding hair line. Depending on these factors, you'll know what the extent of treatment you want to have for your hair.

To better know on what kind of hair loss you have, you can go here to Evaluate your hair Loss.

Once you have evaluated the type of hair loss you have and identified the extent of the treatment you have to do. Your choice might be one or a combination of any of the common treatments. Currently, there are five (5) solutions commonly available in the market; DHT inhibitors, Super Oxide Dismutase Treatments, Growth Stimulators, Anti-Androgens and Anti-Inflammatories.

DHT Inhibitors

DHT or dihytestoserone is a converted testosterone, the hormone which helps maintain the secondary sexual differences between men and women. However, when much of the testosterone is converted into DHT, it bonds with Androgens and proceed to slow hair growth down, this usually leads to the development of androgenic alopecia. DHT inhibitors reduce or inhibit the production of DHT therefore preventing the root of androgenic alopecia/

Super Oxide Dismutase Treatments / Immune System Treatments

When excess DHT is produced it usually causes inflammation of the scalp. This is because your body consider hair follicles as foreign objects and start attacking them. The body produce Super Oxide Dismutase to combat the supposed foreign objects, what Super Oxide Dismutase does is that it reduces the levels of Super Oxides reducing the chances of hair follicle loss.

Growth Stimulators

Growth stimulators promote hair growth in the scalp. While not really addressing the root cause of hair loss, they are very successful in cosmetically changing your appearance. This is often enough with most people and has great benefits in the perception and thinking of individuals experiencing hair loss. Growth Stimulators are best used in conjunction with other hair loss treatments and remedies that treat hair loss at its root cause.


When the body produces DHT it bonds with androgens and when this process occurs, hair loss starts to set in. Anti-Androgens help stop DHT from binding with Androgens by obstructing or blocking androgen receptors on cells, significantly reducing the chances of DHT reaching the androgens and starting the hair loss process. Blocking the Androgen receptors is the first step in stopping the binding of DHT and Androgen and therefore stops the hair follicles from being damaged.


As a result of DHT binding on Androgens, the immune system starts attacking on the hair follicles and the scalp becomes inflamed, irritated, flaky and itchy. Anti-Inflammatory treatments and remedies help treat and lessen the effects of these symptoms thus raising the chances for the overall success of your hair loss regimen.

All in all these hair loss treatments/remedies are best used in conjunction or along with others to be more effective in combating hair loss. Using one is just fine, and would help treat your hair loss problems with their intended benefits.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hair-loss-articles/hair-loss-treatments-which-one-is-the-right-one-61955.html

About the Author:
The Author works for www.combat-hair-loss.co.uk A site dedicated to fight what ever forms of hair loss or alopecia through proper knowledge and medicine. The site also gives you several tips on how to prevent and combat hair loss as well as charts and drawings to properly evaluate your hair loss and treat them accordingly. The site also recommends some of the best hair loss treatment medicines and alternatives available out there.

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Herbal Hair Loss Treatments - Right Way to Regrow Hair

Hair loss is a problem that is quite prevalent around the world. Most commonly, it is seen in adults, but in some cases, adolescents are also suffering from hair loss problems. Many individuals do prefer to let their baldness show it to the world, hence prefer to keep it untreated and unhidden, whereas there are many who really bother about their hair loss and prefer to get a hold with various strategies and possible treatment policies.

Among all other treatments such as chemical-based medications or surgical intervention, herbal hair loss treatment is known as best possible solution.

Since ages Ayurveda is recognized to offer best herbal therapy for a wide range of diseases, so is true for hair loss problems. In particular, subcontinents of India are highly rich with varieties quality herbs that have the power to enhance hair follicles from its root. Herbs like Amla, Tulsi, Basil, Yasthi Madhu, Bringraj, Henna, Brahmi, and Neem are well-recognized for their abilities to nourish hair and ideal ingredients for herbal hair loss treatment. These herbs are particularly beneficial for producing various hair supplements, hair oils and hair tonics for providing you protection from possible hair loss by strengthening health of your hair roots. Below is a brief description of these herbs.


Amla, rich with vitamin C, works as a great nourishing tonic for hair. In the course of herbal hair loss treatment, it is believed to be used to protect hair from premature graying. It also protects our system internally by lowering cholesterol, enhancing vision, strengthening lungs and respiratory system. The scientific name of amla is Emblica officinalis.


Tulsi is used as the effective measure for hair loss and it is considered as one of the essential ingredients of herbal hair loss treatment. It is extensively used for protecting hair from falling and early graying. Tulsi seed in combination with castor oil is a useful remedy for hair lice. It also helps making the hair root stronger, thus reducing hair fall.


Basil is an effective herb used in the herbal hair loss treatment. If it is applied on the hair and scalp, it stimulates hair growth. Also it has the ability to condition hair.

Yasthi Madhu

Yasthi Madhu is a multi-purpose utility herb that is used as one of the essential elements of herbal hair tonic and in the herbal hair loss treatment. Hair fall is also caused from liver malfunctioning. Yasthi Madhu has the ability to make you healthy from internally as well by providing you a relief from gastrointestinal and liver malfunctioning.


Since ancient times, Bringraj is recognized as the best ingredient in herbal hair loss treatment. This is the major herb used in the Ayurvedic hair treatment. Considered as an essential element for herbal hair supplements, it rejuvenates hair follicles, strengthens the hair roots, and hence provides protection against hair fall. It also prevents premature graying of hair and bald. It promotes re-growth of hair.


This is the second best essential herb used in Ayurvedic hair treatment. It helps growing your hair than normal if you can use it regularly. You can use it twice monthly as herbal pack on your scalp or you may use it processed within hair oil. In both of the cases, you will get good results and eventually you will be free from your hair loss problems.


Brahmi brings wonder to mental health. It has the ability to work on an individual's cognitive ability. Apart from that, it can induce a feeling of peace and calmness when used. Brahmi oil is effective for protecting from hair fall and premature graying. It also helps in re-growing of hair. It has the ability to make the hair root stronger. It is beneficial to enhance the health of hair. Neem

Dandruff can cause hair falling. Neem can be used on the scalp to remove dandruff. It can be effectively used to remove lice as well. Either you can use its Neem juice directly over your scalp or you may apply it mixed with hair oil.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hair-loss-articles/herbal-hair-loss-treatments-right-way-to-regrow-hair-253345.html

About the Author:
Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Hair Loss Treatment and Permanent Hair Removal. AyurvedicCure.com is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also Participate in Health Questions & Answers, Discussion Forums and Blogs.
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Female Hair Loss Treatment: Essentials You Need to Know

Hair loss does not only plague men. It can happen to women, too. It is not easy though to look for the right female hair loss treatment. There are limited medical options but there are numerous supplements that claim to be able to solve female hair loss. This current state of female hair loss treatment options makes things difficult. Here are some reminders to help you find a good treatment.

Ruling Out

Before you get your hands on just any female hair loss treatment, it is important to first determine the cause of your condition. This will ensure that you get the right treatment specifically designed for your hair loss case. It is true that most hair loss cases among women is known as androgenetic alopecia and has something to do with genes and hormones but you could be part of the minority who needs a special kind of female hair loss treatment.

Alopecia Factor - Among other kinds of female hair loss are alopecia aratea and traction alopecia. The former is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles. The later condition is caused by tight braiding or hairstyling.

Other Factors - Other conditions that need special female hair loss treatment solutions may be caused by diseases such as diabetes, lupus and anemia. Hair loss can also be the result of certain medications such as those used in chemotherapy. Among some women the cause of temporary hair loss could be plain and simple stress. In any case, knowing the exact cause of your condition will protect you from blowing your money away on the wrong female hair loss treatment.

Remember the Pattern

One of the best ways to determine androgenetic alopecia is to look at patterns of baldness. Always remember that women with androgenetic alopecia do not look the same as men who have the same condition. Males may eventually lose a large portion of their hair, resulting in an obvious bald area or spot. Women however only manifest hair loss through a diffuse thinning. If you have hair loss that leads to bald patches, your condition might not be androgenetic alopecia. It is a sign that you need special female hair loss treatment.

Pick Between Two Modes

Choose between two modes of female hair loss treatment once you have determined the cause of your condition. You can either go for medical treatments or for natural ones. Medically, you can only really opt to have hair surgery or take the only FDA approved medication for female hair loss.

Other Alternatives - There are far more options for natural hair loss treatments. Most product options however are labeled as supplements. They may require further scientific studies to prove their safety and effectiveness.


Be well-informed. Perform your own research on the herbs and nutrients contained in the product of your choice. This will ensure that you do have the right ingredients to help you with your condition. Remember too that men and women have different systems. Some hair loss product ingredients for men may not be safe or advisable for women.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hair-loss-articles/female-hair-loss-treatment-essentials-you-need-to-know-488624.html

Author: Irina Thorton

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Herbal Hair Loss Treatment - How is it Effective

The usage of naturally available herbs and other medicine's in the curing process of hair loss is the herbal hair loss treatment.

The natural way of curing the hair loss is obtained by the herbal treatment. The Indian medicine known as Ayurveda, is mostly used in the herbal hair loss treatment procedure. The most famous kind of treatment is the usage of oils extracted from the natural plants from dense forests. The oil includes jojoba oil, coconut oil etc.

Some of the natural substances used are wild yam root, saw palmetto, stinging nettle and wolfberry fruit. Wild yam is used in the synthesis of hair growth hormone required by hair follicles. The next one is the saw palmetto which helps in blocking the 5 alpha reeducates and thus hair loss is stopped.

The next one is the stinging nettle which is an herbal supplement which blocks the Di-Hydro testosterone hormone the major cause of hair loss. Wolfberry fruit another such supplement. The usage of herbal remedies cannot cure hair loss over night. The major hair loss disease is the Alopecia.

Alopecia is easily treated in the usage of ayurveda. A treatment called sirodhara treatment is used for curing Alopecia either in men or women. This treatment has the use of medicated oil in warm condition, medicated milk or buttermilk. The main aim in this treatment is treating the patient mentally.

The next natural herbal hair loss treatment uses the philosophy of reducing the stress. The stress is removed by using the technique of massage. Massage at the head certainly reduces a large amount of stress and hence stimulating the growth of hair follicles. Some more herbal treatment is given in the form of supplements. The supplement is taken either before the food or along the food.

The nutrition in take also becomes herbal treatment by the intake of vegetables like the spinach, which is rich in iron and other protein rich vegetables. These are helpful in treating the hair loss. Some other herbs that are used in the treatment are ginkyo biloba, pygeum and green tea.

Ginkyo biloba increases the blood flow in the brain which increases the nutrient supply to the hair follicles which helps in the hair growth by stimulating the follicle stimulating hormone. Camella sinesis contains catechins which inhibits the 5 alpha reeducates enzymes that convert the testosterone in to the DHT hormone which is the main cause of hair loss.

Pygeum also works similar to that of green tea. Saw palmetto extract is also used in the natural hair loss treatment procedure. These treatments are given in a environment that is rich in climate and nature like the various hill resorts around the globe. While using these medicines the usage of alcohol should be stopped which will cause hair loss in reacting with the herbal solutions.

The ayurveda treatment is done in resorts. The herbal hair loss treatment resorts available are Indus valley ayurvedic center in the India and the natural hair transplant center in United States of America.

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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hair-loss-articles/herbal-hair-loss-treatment-how-is-it-effective-559254.html

Author: Raj Kumar

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Natural Hair Loss Treatment: Why It's the Best Option

Now, people with balding head no longer have to suffer with their condition for long. Modern science has brought us several treatment for hair loss. Ironically, a lot of these possible answers show a return to natural hair loss treatment.

Hair Loss Treatment

Surgical procedures and medications to treat hair loss are among those common alternatives which science has presented us with. Although these medical solutions are truly effective, there are some people who would still prefer natural hair loss treatment. There may be a variety of reasons.

Surgical Treatment - Surgical procedures meant to treat hair loss are expensive. They also expose clients to a variety of risks inherent in surgical procedures. For a lot of average individuals therefore, medication is a better, more affordable solution to hair loss. Unfortunately, there are only two medicines that are FDA approved to treat hair loss. For women, only one of these can be safely used. Medication has also been known to cause some side effects in some users. These reasons are why some turn to natural hair loss treatment solutions.

Natural Solutions

People also have the option of going for natural solutions that claim to be able to remedy hair loss. Not all of these solutions however will be effective for everybody. A person in search for a natural hair loss treatment should carefully test and assess which solutions truly work for his unique hair loss condition.

Head Massage - Massaging the scalp is believed to promote proper blood flow. This in turn is necessary to help the nutrients reach the scalp and hair strands. Some experts say that there is no clear proof that this natural hair loss treatment is effective. For some though, who may be suffering from stress induced hair loss, a gentle massage may truly be helpful.

Regular Exercise - Just like a good massage, regular exercise is also believed to assist in promoting proper blood flow that is crucial for nutrient delivery and absorption. Again, this natural hair loss treatment has been hotly debated over. Common sense would tell you though that if exercise is generally good for the body, then it must have good effects on the hair too.

Right Diet - There is no doubt that a proper diet plays a big role in natural hair loss treatment. Studies have shown that individuals who are deficient in some nutrients run the risk of losing some of their hair. The obvious rule is that whatever is great nourishment for your body is also advisable for your hair. This means that you definitely have to cut down on fats, sugar and junk food. Fill your diet with foods rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, iron, zinc, B-complex vitamins and other nutrients.

Nutritional Supplements - Since we can't always get the recommended amount of essential nutrients from our daily diet, some form of natural supplementation is recommended. Take vitamin and mineral supplements. Other individuals also prefer to boost the effects of nutrient supplementation with additional herbal ingredients that have been proven crucial to natural hair loss treatment.

Hair Products - Hair care is not always seen as a natural hair loss treatment. You should however avoid overusing hair coloring and treatment products to avoid hair drying and damage. You should also avoid tight hairstyles to prevent hair loss due to traction.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hair-loss-articles/natural-hair-loss-treatment-why-its-the-best-option-489989.html

About the Author:
Try only the best natural hair loss treatment available in the market. See the herbal hair loss treatment that's right for you.

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